King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands joined in the public commemorations for National Remembrance Day in Amsterdam on Wednesday.

May 4 is Dodenherdenking in the Netherlands, a day of remembrance for all members of the military and civilians who have died in wartime or peacekeeping conflicts since World War II. Commemorations are held each year on May 4 at the National Monument on Dam Square in Amsterdam.

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima placed a large wreath of white roses at the National Monument during Wednesday’s ceremony.

The ceremony in Amsterdam is broadcast on national television in the Netherlands, and additional commemoration ceremonies are also held in other towns and cities across the country.

Queen Máxima wears clothes and jewelry appropriate for occasions of mourning and remembrance every year on this day. With her black outfit, hat, and gloves, she wore “white jewels”—diamonds and pearls—which are also traditionally acceptable for mourning.

This year, Máxima wore an elegant pair of pearl and diamond earrings. These feature pearl studs, a diamond brilliant spacer, and a pearl pendant. She also pinned two diamond ribbon brooches from the Dutch royal collection to her jacket.
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